

web://2 projects

2024 Micromedia Grads Vernissage

Thursday, April 18, 4-8pm

Library 5th floor

live music & hors d'oeuvres

Check out our portfolios

April 8, 2024: eclipse

The eclipse was a surprising powerful, emotional event.

Compares to my experiences of a tornado (Woodstock ON, 1979) and a hurricane (Charley in Florida, 2004)

check out the sun flares
5 images stitched & masked together

links to photo galleries & videos

CMS or content management system unit

Say a client wants to be able to change the content of their site, once you have built it, without needing to contact you. What do you do?

You propose using a CMS like Wordpress.

Wordpress and other CMS allow you to design and develop a site then the client can login over the web to change the content. As you can see there are many CMS platforms available, each with advantages and disadvantages.

It's important to note that WP (Wordpress) had 2 major variants:

  • Wordpress.com which is hosted on their servers.
  • Wordpress.org which we can download & host on our servers. Which can be used in 2 ways
    • with themes, either pre-designed or designed ourselves
    • or "headless" where we use the content management system, only for the client to login and make changes, but then design the pages without using the "overhead" of a normal Wordpress site.
install Wordpress directly from Plesk. "Create Website > Wordpress"
Be careful to install in a subfolder i.e. /wp/
Don't forget to update Settings > Permalinks > Post Name.

project 3 CMS website

presentations Monday, April

In a small group (3-4?) collaborate to create a website using a content management system like Wordpress.

While you can choose the content it should meet the following criteria:

  • subject that matters
  • something that you can share your own, personal thoughts
  • ability to add your own photos / videos
  • includes illustrations as well


project plan

create a project plan in Figma that incudes:

  • your project title / description
  • team members & roles
  • detailed work plan with dates for deliverables
  • you do NOT need to do a layout or mockup, but you might want to do a moodboard

ex3.2 posts

Create 2 posts using a variety of blocks including:

  • paragraph
  • image (that you took & edited)
  • heading
  • gallery (of your own images)
  • list
  • quote (from a designer, developer or photographer)

Make sure they are accessible from your WP homepage

refer to the codex if needed learn WP

ex3.3 pages

Essentially the same as above but for pages.Create 2 pages using a variety of blocks including:

  • paragraph
  • image
  • heading
  • gallery
  • list
  • quote

Make sure they are accessible from your WP homepage by adding them to a menu in 3.5 menus

refer to the codex if needed learn WP

ex3.5 navigation

Update the navigation of your site.

Customize your navigation. Add a link to your web2 homepage etc.

ex3.6 users

Add at least one other user to your WP site. Do the following:

  • provide them a link to login
  • change your password on the other site
  • define their role (editor? admin?)
  • add a post on the other site, be sure to include your name & a link to your WP site.
  • party like it's 1999.

week 4 notes

here are some thing to focus on

  • finish up / get help with exercises
  • link Figma designs for homepage / animation project
  • get feedback on project plan
  • get feedback on your Capyskill.
    • Share self-eval & provide evidence.
    • How can you improve.
    • Work on improving
  • check out this SVG animation
  • AI Ethics: another animation example


Alongside our animation project, we'll be focussing on developing at least 1 area of life skills.

  • VA.1 Creating Design Projects
  • NGE.1 Design Solutions
  • plus:
    • HOS.1 Manage My Work and Set Goals
    • HOS.2 Build Networks
    • NGE.3 Collaborate Effectively
    • PD.3 Demonstrate Social Skills and Awareness
    • NGE.2 Present to an Audience
  • See the Capyskills Grids

    see the Capyskills site

    see the mobile app with quick grids

    please fill out this form

    Capyskills Mentor form


    • Kelly Ann
    • Katerina
    • Fiona
    • Sharjana
    • Rafsun

    project 1. homepage

    create a web2/ homepage with the following:

    • name, course title, link to your root page
    • links to all your exercises and projects
    • a header with background image or looping video that you created
    • a call to action

    your process should include a Figma design document with the follwing:

    • 3-5 sites for inspiration / research
    • mobile-first wireframes
    • responsive layout
    • moodboard
      • colour scheme
      • typography
      • design style (minimalist, organic, grunge, brutalist)
    • mockups / prototype
    • html / css

    code your site using best practices

    • mobile-first & responsive
    • semantic HTML inluding
      • <main>
      • <section>
      • <article>
      • <nav>
      • <footer>
    • use CSS grid for layout
    • Google fonts & effective font pair

    submitted in 3 stages:

    • basic starting page with name, title, links due Monday February 5 during class
    • full design as per above due Monday February 26 during class
    • final web2/ homepage due Tuesday May 21 (a Monday schedule)

    2 animation project

    Create a web page which uses animation techniques to effectively communicate.

    Your animations should use what we have learned in the exercises with the goal of enhancing the user experience, such as:

    • drawing focus to important elements
    • providing smooth transitions between sections
    • delighting or entertaining

    Your project site, as always, must

    • be mobile-first & responsive
    • use semantic html (like <section> <article> <nav> avoiding <div>)
    • be well structured with header, main and footer elements
    • have your name & link back to your web2 page

    Project content is your choice. Use your brainstorming ideas, or content from other classes, like illustration.


    Let's plan our work before starting your animation project. Using Figma (or something similar) plan using the following:

    • a 2 line description of your project
    • wireframes
    • layouts
    • moodboard
    • mockup
    • optional: create an interactive prototype

    3 CMS website

    Create a web using a CMS such as Wordpress.

    ... more info soon

    4 personal project

    Brainstorm, define, plan, execute and revise a project of your own design.

    ... more info soon

    our web://2 sites